
当代景观规划 2022-04-06 17:49:02


— 沿着婆娑树影,追寻自然本态! — Follow the shadows of the whirling trees and pursue the natural state!

南阳映像-Nanyang image《中华玉都》国家命名的“中国玉雕之乡”,自古以来,镇平玉雕工艺品质地优良,博采南北之长。宛城区区位优势明显,交通便利,环境宜人,是南阳盆地腹心。


— 沿着婆娑树影,追寻自然本态!— Follow the shadows of the whirling trees and pursue the natural state!林影随光摇曳变幻,穿林入其中,抬头见林;枝叶的飘摆给人带来一处愉悦舒心的沉浸式体验景观。The forest shadow sways and changes with the lightGo through the forest and see the forestThe flutter of branches and leaves brings people a pleasant and comfortable immersive experience landscape


— 感受林间低语,唤醒生活本质— Feel the whispers in the woods, awaken the essence of life深邃的黑色砾石,干净的灰色仿石砖,愿从繁华都市跨入繁茂森林...我们骨子里对自然的憧憬还是无法磨灭的,那是一种对绿色的记忆与喜爱。Deep black gravel, clean gray imitation stone brick,Willing to step into the lush forest from the prosperous cityOur longing for nature is still indelible,It is a kind of memory and love of green.


— 畅想诗意静怡,触摸时光本意— Imagine poetic tranquility, touch the original meaning of time以玉迎门·庄重象征——归家礼序,集仪式化、庄重感于一体,彰显气质·尊贵品质。广场上灵动的雕塑点缀在镜面水景上,弧度让其充满了生气,美丽的造型下仿佛潜伏着强烈的内心的颤动,呈现出了流光溢彩的魅力!Welcome the door with jade · solemn symbol - Preface to returning home ceremony,It integrates ritual and solemnity, highlighting temperament and noble quality.Smart sculptures on the square are dotted on the mirror waterscape,The radian makes it full of life,Under the beautiful shape, there seems to be a strong inner vibration,Showing the charm of streamer!


水景雕刻细节以玉为庭·舞动风华——以大气的艺术雕塑开阔的镜面水景打造仪式化的景观历尽沧桑而光彩不改者,莫过于玉月色浓浓,而那树旁,玉姿优雅临风将玉运用到空间为生活中增添了一份遐想与美好阳光穿过青翠绿叶洒下熹微碎光 , 水汽氤氲灵动而不失优雅以玉迎门 ·庄重象征归家礼序,集仪式化、庄重感于一体彰显气质 ·尊贵品质Taking jade as the court and dancing with elegance -- creating a ceremonial landscape with atmospheric artistic sculpture and open mirror WaterscapeThere is nothing like jade that has gone through the vicissitudes of life without changing its lusterThe moonlight is thick, and beside the tree, the jade posture is elegant, and the wind applies the jade to the spaceIt adds a reverie and beauty to life.The sun shines through the green leaves, and the water vapor is denseSmart without losing eleganceWelcome the door with jade - solemn symbolThe ritual sequence of returning home integrates ritualization and solemnityHighlight temperament and noble quality

迎宾广场“玉台”舞出琳琅韫玉舞尽盛世风华扶摇清风伴云而舞Dance out a wide range of jadeDance to the glory of the golden ageWhirling breezeDance with the clouds


— 澎霖鸣鸟低啼,感受质朴本色— Penglin's songbirds sing low, feel the simplicity礼仪步道——悠然恬静的花林结合矮墙夹道,提升社区的归家的尊贵仪式感。中心花园——水面涟漪·映衬倒影,将水境的清凉沁入心间;亲水入林, 畅享悠然绿意。Ceremonial footpath - a leisurely and quiet flower forest combined with a low wall path to enhance the sense of honor and ceremony of returning home in the community.Central Garden - the ripples on the water surface set off the reflection and soak the coolness of the water environment into the heart; Hydrophilic into the forest, enjoy the leisurely green.

